Big Island Bowls was created by myself (Kelly Hazouri), and my partner (Brendan Schneck). We were best friends at Flagler College; then ended up together years after we graduated. This is our story of taking the road less traveled, discovering our authentic selves and following our bliss.
After years of friendship, but only two weeks of dating, Brendan and I moved to Hawaii together. Sometimes you just have to have a little faith in things, trusting that if you take the leap the net will appear. We would be working for a company called Pacific Quest, which was a gardening therapy program for at risk youth.
Once we arrived in paradise, we needed a way to get around & explore the islands. So we bought a blue Bronco...from a guy we met in a bar, (I don't recommend this). We traveled all over in "Big Blue", soaking up the scenery, tasting the salty air, and relishing the magic of the Island.
In our culture the media teaches us that greed, money and materialism is the only way to happiness. That your worth & success is measured by your bank account and social status. We refused to subscribe to this belief system. We wanted more out of life, a sense of purpose, fueled by passion. A word to today's college students: Nothing will ruin your twenties like thinking you should have it all figured out. Don't settle for a job out of fear or security. Ignoring your passion is slow suicide. Never ignore what makes you feel happy to be alive. Mold your career around your lifestyle,
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